Publishers of the Believer´s Bible Commentary (BBC) by William MacDonald
Update February 2021
This list shows the languages in which the BBC has been published.
NT = Commentary on the New Testament, OT = Commentary on the Old Testament
You will find these languages:
Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Czech, Chinese (two editions – Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Iranian (Farsi), Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Swahili (Kongo and Tanzania), Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Urdu (Pakistan) and Vietnamese.
Price: Due to changes in the exchange rates or postage the price might vary. Sometimes the price is given in Euro, the European Currency. At present 1 Euro is about $1.15
Free downloads of the whole text of the BBC can be found on these pages:
The downloads are usually in PDF and are available in these languages:
Arabic (NT), Chinese (NT and OT, simplified), Croatian (NT), German (NT and OT), Iranian (Farsi, NT and OT), Romanian (NT and OT), Russian (NT),
Please inform the webmaster if you cannot contact the publishers. Thanks.
George Sturm
New Testament is in three Volumes. Old Testament in two volumes
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Lagja Nr 1 Rruga e Korcas,
Pogradec, Albania
price: per volume $US 5.- plus shipping
pay: send check to Christian Missions in Many Lands, P.O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762 USA, with a short note saying these monies should be given to George Sturm.
The entire commentary in Albanian is also available in a digital format being packaged with Online Bible. Included are digital copies of several of William MacDonald’s books (in Albanian) including: Christ loved the Church, True Discipleship, Here's the Difference, Once in Christ, In Christ Forever, etc..
Arabic, NT and OT
3 Volumes (Matthew to John, Acts to Philippians and Colossians to Revelation)
Mr. Essam Khalil
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We sell the complete set (3 Volumes for the NT) for 75 LE (Egyptian pounds) which is about 13.20 US$. That doesn't include shipping. Shipping cost to the US is about 16.75 US$; then the total cost per one set is almost 30 US$. (2006)
Hannah Nashed, Brethren Bookstore
3 Angaham St.
Chobra, Cairo, Egypt
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Bengali, NT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Bulgarian, NT and OT, in three Volumes each
Veren Publishers,
Slavejkov Pl. 1
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
phone (00359) 2 9816241
fax (00359) 2 9805765
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail or fax is best to use. Post is not very secure. Phone is OK but it is not sure that someone who speaks English will answer.
prices (2002) Volume 1 (4 Gospels): $5.-Volume 2 (Acts to 2. Corinthians, including James to Judas, which are in our Bible between Acts and Romans) - $6.; Volume 3 (Galatians to Revelation) - $7. For booksellers our discount is 30%. We give the same discount if some buys the whole set at once: $ 12.5. for the set of three volumes.
postage: one set (three vol.) to Germany air: $ 10., surface $9. To the US: air $14., by surface $11.
Burmese, NT
John Short,
Christian Reading Room
P. O. Box 95413
Hong Kong SAR of China
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Available at:
Evangelical Literature Center
P.O. Box (1320), Yangon, Myanmar
Chinese, NT and OT, simplified or classic script,
Ivan Ng
Capstone Ent. Ltd.
Block B, 7/F., Fast Industrial Building,
658 Castle Peak Road,
Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Hong Kong.
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fax 852-2323-2168 phone 5513
orders and free downloads of the BBC in Chinese on the website:
price (in 2000): for the soft cover edition simplified script: $15. per copy. Postage (in 2004) 10 copies by surface US$ 166.-; 20 copies by surface US$305.- ; 10 copies by air $US 230.-; 20 copies by air US$ 456.-
for the version in traditional script: 3 Volumes, hardcover, $US 58.-, postage extra, for 10 copies 20% discount, for 50 copies 30% discount.
Croatian, NT and OT
Postfach 110135
33661 Bielefeld
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3 Volumes, hardcover, Price: 25,90 Euro; discount 50%, postage to US for one set 9.- Euro (in 2004)
Also available in Croatia at :
Müller Uwe
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Czech, NT
Meinolf Mellwig <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
French, NT and OT
Jean Paul Burgat,
La Joie de l’Eternel;
B.P. 1;
F-25660 Saone, FRANCE
phone 01133-3-81557940 fax – 01133-3-81558274;
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CBD, Commentaire Biblique du Disciple: Hardcover and plastified integra, Service d'Orientation Biblique, Plaza Laval, 2750, Chemin de SteFoy, SAINTE-FOY (Québec), Canada
Prices: CBD=47 euros (hard cover) distributor get 55% discount.Bookseller 33%
CBD Africa (CBDA), integra; prices can differ from 8 to 20 euros,
ORDER:For Europe and all countries except North America:
To La Joie de l'Eternel (Association loi 1901, non profit asbl) 24,A,Grande Rue,
F-25660-SAONE, France. Tél: 03 81 55 79 40, Fax: 03 81 55 82 74,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postage for Germany; service prioritaire (rapid) 14.94 euros for one CBD.
ATTENTION: The CBDA edition is only for Africa or poor countries.
German, NT, and OT (2 Volumes)
Postfach 110135
33661 Bielefeld
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Price per volume: euro 25.90, discount 50%, postage to US for one book 7.- Euro (in 2004)
Greek, NT and OT
LOGOS Publishers
G. SOURI 14,
GR - 185 47 N. FALIRO
Mr. Fotis Romeos / Logos Publishers
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Gujarati, NT and OT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Hindi, NT
Copies can be obtained from
Project Ezra, Mr Nishant Sidh
Near Khan Nursing Home
Stadium Road
District: Rajnandgaon
Pin Code 491441
Contact No: 09406330075
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"Nishant" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Hungarian, NT and OT
For Orders: Robet Lemperger,
Nagybányai u. 15.
H-1025 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NT is in two volumes, each costs $ 11. No discount on this price. Postage: registered mail to Europe $11, to the US $12. (in 2004)
Iranian (Farsi) NT and OT
Free download:
You can download the PDF files via this link. The BBC links are near the bottom of the web page.
The BBC has been published in seven volumes. The price is about $20. per volume. To order the hard copy contact Persian World Outreach at:
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Postfach 110135
33661 Bielefeld
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Price per volume: euro 25.90, discount 50%, postage to US for one book 7.- Euro (in 2004)
In Italy distributed by:
La Casa della Bibbia
Via Sandro Botticelli, 10/13
10154 Torino
phone +39
phone + 39
fax + 39
Japanese, NT, in 3 volumes
Evangelical Publishers
8-9 Kotobuki cho 2 chome,
Fuchu shi, Tokyo 183-0056
TEL 042-366-7760
FAX 042-366-7790
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3000 Yen per book
Kannada, OT and NT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Korean, NT, 12 volumes
and OT, 6 volumes
Evangelical Publications Inc.
Kyungkido, Koyang City, Ilsan Donggu
Jungbalsan Dong 1233-4 Ho
The website address is
and the email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you do not speak Japanese: you can write to Mrs. Jo and ask her help:
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Mr Kwak Jae Young, director of Evangelical Publishers, cannot speak English, but his friend Mr Hoon does,
Mr Yoo Zee Hoon: fax 82-41-560 1470; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr Ki-sup is another Christian who speaks english and will help to forward your request. Both Mr Ki-sup and Mr Hoon do not work with the publishing house, but we may contact them.
Mr Ki-sup: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
whole price of a set of the New Testament (12 books) + the shipping would be less than 80$ (in 2004)
NT Vol 1 contains Mt – Acts
Markus Geibel
Vilniaus g. 146-44
76297 Siauliai
Lithuania/ Litauen/Lietuva
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Malayalam, NT and OT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Marathi, NT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Nepali, several part of the NT BBC have been published
Available in Nepal from:
Mr. Ram Bhandari
Post Box No. 958, KTM, Nepal
Ph. 01-4578738
Mobile: 9851059318
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Available in India from:
Mr. T. Kaufman
c/o Great Joy Book Shop
Maa Supermarket, 1st Floor
Thana Dara
P.O. Kalimpong - 734 301
Distr. Darjeeling, W.B., India
Mobile: 09933459069
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Polish, NT and OT (one volume each)
Henryk Turkanik
at Fundacia Areopag
ul. Cleszynska 30
44-337 Jastrzebla Zoroj
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Portuguese, NT and OT
Editora Mundo Cristão
Gerente de Produção Editorial
Rua Antonio Carlos Tacconi, 79
04810-020 São Paulo - SP – Brasil
phone 55-11-21274147
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Punjabi, NT
Copies of the commentary can be obtained from:
OM India
Romanian, NT and OT (one volume each)
Postfach 110135
33661 Bielefeld
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Price: euro 25.90, discount 50%, postage to US for book 7.- Euro
Also available in Romania at:
Radu Gavrilut
Editura Lampadarul de Aur; Str. Aurel Vlaicu 15; Ro 3700 Oradea
Tel and Fax 0040-2-59-447 442
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price per copy: 10.- Euro;
Russian, NT an OT
Postfach 110135
33661 Bielefeld
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Price: Euro 25.90, ask for discount, postage to US for one book 13.- Euro (2004)
Distributor for the Russian books in the US:
fon 1: 916-224-9927
fon 2: 916-996-3728
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Distributor in Russia:
„Bibel für Alle“; The Bible for All“, «Библия для всех»
199009 Санкт-Петербург, ул. Лебедева, д. 31, пом. 9-Н.
Mr. Pavel Damyan / Павел Дамян
+007- (812) 541-86-88
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Spanish, NT and OT in one volume
Editorial CLIE
Galvani 113
Tel. (34) 93-788-4262
Fax (34) 93-780-0514
40% for booksellers
1. Individuals wishing to order copies:
They may order them from our website The price is US$ 55. for the Old and New Testament commentary, shipping regardless of destination is 10% of total. Payment is by credit card.
Or they may go to our website and under the Points of sale button they can look up a bookstore in their area and order it through a bookstore.
2. Bookstores:
We do not sell directly to Booksellers rather they need to order from a national distributor. They should write us and we can direct them to a national distributor who will give them a discount. They should write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Ministries or other groups who order large quantities: We can send orders of say 500 copies or more ourselves to any where in the world. We give a wholesale discount of 50% or better depending on the quantities and we charge actual shipping. Payment can be by check, VISA or bank transfer.
Swahili NT
There is a version for Congo and for Tanzania
For Congo version contact EveryDay Publications Inc., Canada
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The Tanzania version is available at
Kanisa la Biblia Publishers
Box 1424
Dodoma, Tanzania
Fax 00255 26 2350911
Phone 00255 26 2354500
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Tamil NT and OT
Post Box No. 2540,
No. 51 East Park Road,
Shenoy Nagar
CHENNAI – 600 030 India
++91-044-2664 5010
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telugu, NT
Published by Mr Matthew Henry
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His phone # is: 011-91-9391035357 (if you are calling from the US)
Book room: +(91)-40-66330112, +(91)-40-66330113
Turkish NT and OT
NT: 1st vol (Mt/John), 2nd Volume (Acts – Phil), 3rd Volume (Col – Rev).
OT in 2 Volumes
available at:
Serasker Cad. Sakiz Sokak,
Aytac 2 Han; No: 40/1
Kadikoey – Istanbul
0090-216-4142061 or 414 16 15, fax 3480526
The correct email for Yeni Yasam Yayinlari, the publishers of the BBC in Turkish is beytThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This is the owner's e-mail. His name is Ali Simsek, and he speaks good English.
(2004) The first volume sells for $ 5.00 for paperback and $ 7.00 for hardback. Bank transfer will be the best way paying us. For 20 and more copies you'll get 25% discount.
Urdu (Pakistan) NT and OT in twelve volumes
Masihi Isha'at Khana
36 Ferozepur Road
Lahore, 54600
MIK <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
(+92 042) 37530683
Vietnamese, NT and OT, one volume each
John Short,
Christian Reading Room
P. O. Box 95413
Hong Kong SAR of China
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.