Publications by William MacDonald

Books, Booklets, Correspondence Courses, Videos, and Cassette Tapes


See address of publisher at the bottom of the page

op = out of print


Most of the books on the individual books of the Bible have been incorporated into the Believer`s Bible Commentary. The list of Bible Courses by ECS Ministries is separate, below.


1 Peter, ECS

2 Peter and Jude, ECS

Alone in Majesty, Gospel Folio Press with CMML

Armageddon Soon?, ECS

Be Holy: The Forgotten Command, John Ritchie

Believers Bible Commentary - Entire Bible, Thomas Nelson

Believers Bible Commentary - N.T., Thomas Nelson (op)

Believers Bible Commentary - O.T., Thomas Nelson (op)

Christ Loved the Church, Gospel Folio Press

Christ’s Plan for the Church (five videos), Gospel Folio Press

Disciple’s Manual, Gospel Folio Press

Does it Pay to Pray? (co-authored with Carl Knott), Everyday

Drugs, Demons, and Destruction (tract),

Enjoy Your Bible (co-authored with Art Farstad), Gospel Folio Press

Enjoying Ecclesiastes, ECS

Enjoying the Proverbs, ECS

Enjoying the Psalms, Vols. 1 and 2, ECS

Ephesians: The Mystery of the Church, ECS

Final Destiny, D&K Press

Fundamental, Important, Non-essential (article), ECS

God still Speaks, Gospel Folio Press

God's Answers to Man's Questions, ECS

Grasping for Shadows , ECS

Heaven (Expanded edition), Everyday

Hebrews: From Ritual to Reality, ECS

Hebrews: From Shadow to Substance, Moody Correspondence School

Here's the Difference (Expanded Edition), Gospel Folio Press

Joseph Makes Me Think of Jesus, Gospel Folio Press

Kingdom Divided: Kings to Esther, Everyday

Let Me Introduce You to the Bible, ECS

Letters to the Thessalonians, ECS

Living Above the Average, Gospel Folio Press

Lord, Break Me!, ECS

My Heart, My Life, My All, Gospel Folio Press

Now That IS Amazing Grace, Gospel Folio Press

Old Testament Digest 1, ECS

Old Testament Digest 2, ECS

Old Testament Digest 3, ECS

Once in Christ, In Christ Forever, Gospel Folio Press

One Day at a Time, Gospel Folio Press

Only One Time Around, Everyday

Our God is Wonderful, Gospel Folio Press

Proverbs – A Study on Proverbs, Gospel Folio Press in 2009

Romans: Justification by Faith, ECS

Seek Ye First, ECS

Singleness: A Male Perspective, Everyday

Sixteen Men with a Message: Isaiah to Malachi, Everyday

That's a Good Question, ECS

The Acts, Dynamic Christianity, ECS

The Day Jesus Came to My House, Everyday

The Good News, Moody

The Gospel of Matthew (Behold Your King), ECS

The Grace of God, ECS

The Messiah. An Interpretation of the Oratorio, Unpublished

The Pocket New Testament Commentary, Everyday

The Problem of Lust, Everyday Publications

There's a Way Back to God, ECS

Think of Your Future, ECS

Titus, ECS

To What Should We Be Loyal, ECS

True Discipleship (two cassette tapes), Gospel Folio Press

True Discipleship, Expanded Edition, Gospel Folio Press

What Christians Believe, Moody Press

William Barclay - Are His Writings Dependable?, op

Winning Souls the Bible Way, ECS

Wonders of God, Gospel Folio Press

Worlds Apart, Gospel Folio Press


Bible Courses by ECS Ministries,


1 Corinthians, ECS

2 Corinthians, ECS

Born to Win (for prisoners), ECS

Christ Loved the Church (Correspondence Course), ECS

Doing Time with Jesus (for prisoners), ECS

Galatians, ECS

Guide to Christian Growth (co-authored with Cyril Brooks), ECS

Summary of the Bible , ECS

Buried by Baptism, ECS

Thy Word is Truth, ECS

James, ECS

Lessons for Christian Living, ECS

Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, ECS

Revelation, ECS

The Bible Tells Me So (co-authored with Kevin Dyer), ECS

The Epistle to the Romans, ECS

The Epistles of John, ECS

The Gospel of John, ECS

The Gospel of Luke, ECS

The Gospel of Mark, ECS

Timothy and Titus (co-authored with Paul Flint), ECS



For information about permission to translate and publish the translations go back to the main menu, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Most books by William MacDonald which are available can be obtained at Gospel Folio Press.



304 Killaly St W

Port Colborne, ON, L3K 6A6


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905-834-0012 (fax)


ECS Ministries

P.O. Box 1028

Dubuque, IA 52001

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (563) 585-2070



D & K Press, P. O. Box 2245, Castro Valley, CA 94546, USA

phone (510) 881-9600

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Everyday Publications Inc.

310 Killaly St. West

Port Colborne ON L3K 6A6


T. 905-834-5552

F. 905-834-8045

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Thomas Nelson Publisher, 506 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN 37214-1000

John Ritchie Publisher, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, Scotland

Moody Bible Institute, 820 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60610