General information about the translation and publication of books by William MacDonald

Before you start to translate something, make sure that is not yet translated by someone else.


Usually we ask a prospective translator and publisher to sign a Translator’s and Publisher’s Agreement before starting to work on the book. Below you will find a blank copy of each which to be signed.


There would be no charge for royalties. We do not collect royalties for Mr. MacDonald’s books.


The publisher has exclusive rights to the book as long as he keeps it in print. When it goes out of print, the rights revert to us. This does not refer to books that go out of stock temporarily.


The copyright should always be in the name of Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc. PO Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762; USA


We ask that no changes be made in the title or text without prior permission. However, we are open to suggestions concerning changes and even deletions. Material that is suitable in one culture might not be in another. In the book on holiness, the publisher might want to omit certain chapters or rearrange the order of the chapters if he feels it would improve the continuity. All we ask is that he check with us first.


All our publishers give us a 50% author’s discount on the books that we purchase.


We offer financial help from time to time, but are not able to finance the entire translation or publication since we have books in many languages.


If the publisher or the translators would need copies of the book or of the Believers’ Bible Commentary for the translation work, I could arrange that they get free copies. Please, let me know the address. If helpful I also could provide the English text of the books or Believers’ Bible Commentary as a word or pdf document.

Here you will find a blank form of the Translation Agreement and the Publisher`s Agreement.


For further information write to the author`s represantative


Andreas Lindner

Salzstr 10

83451 Piding




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